A letter to my Father

 Happy Birthday, Pop’s

 It’s been 12 years, 8 months and 6 days since you’ve been gone. But I guess you already know that you were there;)

 I am going to catch you up on what’s been happening with everyone...

 I’ll start with Larry- He’s 50 now and you’d be proud of the man, husband and father he has become. Just like you, Dad...he’s good at everything he does. He married Alita the Christmas you passed away and gave you another granddaughter, Kaiya Addison Danielle - Born April 25, 2010...She’s a real cross between Lar and Leets. She’s quiet and thoughtful and looks a lot like Dylyn, I think.

  Dylyn will be 20 this year, Pops...She’s in her second year of University and trying to find her way in this world. She looks like both Tanis and Lar...She is beautiful with a big heart and people say she looks a lot like me :)

 Sammy is 47 and I know you would be very proud of her for a lot of things. She and Marc moved into a subdivision by Quamichan Lake. Their house is beautiful...You know them, they made it that much better and have put a lot of work into their yard. You’d love the space they have created, Pops, they are very house-proud and it shows.

  Unfortunately, Lorraine passed away a few years ago, and I’m sure you’ve caught up with her on your side making her chuckle and hopefully getting her out on the dance floor. She is sorely missed on this side, that’s for sure.  

  Krissy will be 21 this summer...She is in her second year of university as well and finding her way in the world too. She’s also beautiful with a big heart, and maybe just a little like me. Much to her parent’s chagrin;) 

  Marley is 13 and she’s funny, Pops and so easygoing. She’s at that age where she is changing and I am not sure who she looks like. She has these big beautiful eyes that are the exact same colour as Kaiya’s. They look like sisters and often get asked if they are twins. 

 She was a saving grace during your time in hospice...You would have laughed, Dad, we were up on the rooftop the day before you passed away and Uncle Chris Kolk was holding her on his chest and eating Cheesies...he didn’t have a napkin so he wiped his hand on the back of her shirt. I still chuckle thinking about that;) 

  Mom is 71 now...She sold Galiano in the summer of 2019. She says she wasn’t ready but it was the right time. She lives in a cute little condo in Duncan that Dinah’s mom lived in. It’s the perfect size for her. She’s struggled with your death and misses you terribly. Selling the house was the final part of letting you go, so I don’t think she is fully happy where she is, but we’ll get her there, don’t worry. If you could send some signs that you’re watching out for her, that would be great.

 Now I guess I should fill you in with me...it’s a doozy story, Pops.

 I left Cary in the winter of 2016...Not an easy decision, that’s for sure. I know you would have supported me and I honestly felt you were there in spirit, helping me along the way...

  Cary and I sold the house and I was a bit of a nomad until the fall of 2019.  

  I quit my job and put everything in Mom’s storage in September 2018 and went on a one-way ticket to Ireland. I guess you could say I went to find myself and if I’m being honest, I’m still looking;) I came back after 6 months and wasn’t necessarily ready to deal with life but it all worked out in the end. Although I am still on the journey of self-discovery I haven’t forgotten whose daughter I am... 

  I work in an awesome barbershop with some fellas that are around your age...It feels pretty great to find a spot I fit in so well. I work one day a week at Crescendo still and that helps mix it up a bit.  

  I think you’d be proud of the independent woman I have become...

 I never got to tell you how appreciative I was for your support and love, throughout my life. Every once in and while when something really cool happens, I pick up the phone to call you...You were often the first person I called to share the good stories and even some of the bad ones. I miss having you on my side, Pops. I miss hearing your voice every morning when I would call on my way to work. Thank you for hearing me when I asked you to lie to me about how you were doing a few months before you passed away...it was hard for you, I imagine...but I really appreciated it. 

 I am happy to have had such a fantastic father and coach throughout my life. I thank you, I love you and I miss you like crazy ♥️ 

Lots of Love XX


P.S. Wherever life after death is, please say hello to everyone for me ♥️ 



With each teardrop falls a memory: a free-flowing river of our Love -Angie Weiland-Crosby


Getting Divorced Sucks! Being Divorced Doesn’t;)